Saturday, 11 December 2021

Pradeep's New Course Chemistry for Class 12 (Vol. 1 & 2) PDF


Pradeep's New Course Chemistry for Class 12 (Vol. 1 & 2) PDF

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Senior Secondary Class is essentially a career–making Class, and Science is the most sought-after course at this level for pursuing the ambitious career of a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, a research scholar etc. For realizing his dream, a student has to perform exceptionally well in this class. It is thus utmost important that all Science books – Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics for this class are designed in a way to give complete knowledge of these subjects in the most presentable manner. Pradeep’s books are the only books meeting this requirement in the most innovative way for more than 30 years. This revised edition of the book is according to new Pattern of examination. It contains NCERT based objective questions (conceptual, very Short, short and Long ) with answers. The book will prove to be the best bet for students for their Board as well as competition examinations. Pradeep’s new course Chemistry for Class XII is one of the jewels of the crown.

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